The Salt Cave

Experience the detoxifying and purifying effects of halotherapy. Relax and unwind whilst inhaling the salt infused air deep into the lungs in the lightly heated cave set at 25 degrees to ensure maximum benefits.

Opening Hours


The Salt Cave is a bookable experience, available for a 40 minute experience | This is a complimentary experience | Bookings can be made during reservation or at Spa Reception on the day


10am | 12noon | 2pm | 4pm | 6pm

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Our range of rooms provide the finest contemporary accommodation with all the finer details to ensure a good nights rest.

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Experience unique & inspiring stays with a collection of luxurious Cottage Suites, Log Cabins and private Residences. Choose from Shepherd’s Huts & Forest Dens offering beautiful boltholes to get away from it all.

Day Spa Booking