OTO delivers the world’s first sensory CBD-infused massage experiences, containing pure CBD isolate in the most luxurious massage oils to release muscular tension and promote relaxation.

CBD is one of the two main molecules that comes from the hemp plant, and it affects us in a similar way to ones that are naturally produced by our own bodies. It does not have the same altering capabilities of THC the other main molecule that gets you ‘High’ and it is not possible to overdose on CBD, as your body is built to interact with it and regulates it similarly to a vitamin. It has been deemed safe by WHO and is completely legal.

CBD has many benefits - mainly to reduce pain, inflammation, and aid with anxiety and sleep. In skincare it is antiaging, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and works with all skin types. CBD works by stimulating the receptors in our body and helps our very own system in our body called the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to work more effectively.

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